

Transparency. What is it exactly? When we talk of being transparent to the Lord, then maybe we mean that we hide nothing from him and that he sees right through us. This would be an accurate definition also if we were being transparent with a friend. Just being real and not trying to be something that we are not. This would be the definition if we ourselves attempt to be transparent. No one else, except God of course, would be able to make us transparent in this positive way.

Here's another take at transparency. My family and I went to dinner yesterday in Fresno and another family walked in the door that belonged to a neighboring congregation. They may not have known who John was, but they knew who I was. The wife graciously smiled, and I smiled back, but the husband made my husband and I a transparency even though we were only about five feet away from them for about eight or so minutes. I really do think that he was able to see right through us and see empty chairs! It was amazing. He chose not to see us for what we were, he chose to not see us for what we weren't.

Maybe this should be called negative transparency. What do you think?


Jolene Harris said...

Don't you just love it when someone chooses to look through you as though you are not there? Makes me want to begin to pat my head and shoulders and so forth to see if I am really there or am I imagining that I am somewhere that I am not. Then I want to lean over to someone else and say "CAN YOU SEE ME?"

Jana Allard said...

Bro, that is one thing that drives me crazy! What's wrong with these people?!?!?